Future Connections Raleigh Electrician

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Protect Your Equipment From Electrical Surges

Power Surge protection electrician

Power surges are known as the most destructive of the four types of electrical power disturbances. An electrical surge can cause damage to a wide range of your electrical equipment in your home or business to include, but not limited, to the following: TVs, computers, fax machine, copier, tablet, cell phone, and many other electronics […]

Electrical Hazards in Your Own Backyard?

Swimming Pool Electrical Safety Raleigh

With the warm weather here, most people and families start spending a lot more time outside. Whether it be at a BBQ, at your backyard swimming pool, or if you are out doing yard work, it is important to remember that electricity is all around you– not just inside your humble abode. With this in […]

7 Important Electrical Safety Tips for Homeowners

electrical outlets

Today, we use electricity for almost everything. Cooking, cleaning, playing music, charging our phones or laptops, in so many ways that we may take it for granted. While electricity allows us to play with our gadgets and allows us to live in a more technologically advanced world, there may be a few things going on in […]

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